Nature’s Sunshine products believe that True healing starts with pure, potent, sustainably sourced ingredients, so we go to the source.
Nature’s Sunshine products examine the fields, monitor harvesting practices, and inspect cleaning and processing techniques.
Even with the trust we have in our partners, we still test our raw materials.
Over 600 different tests help ensure that you get the best.
Sunshine Heroes Multiple Vitamins plus Iron
(100 chewable tablets)

Product Description:
- Multi-vitamin/mineral supplement
- A factor in the maintenance of good health
- Provides 12 essential vitamins, an important mineral, herbs and antioxidants
How It Works:
Nature’s Sunshine Heroes products have been designed especially for children.
Getting your kids to eat their veggies might be a struggle, but you’ll never have to beg them to take their Multiple Vitamins plus Iron.
Not only do they taste good, but they contain vitamins plus iron that children need to grow strong, healthy bones. Most authorities would agree that children eating the typical Western diet are likely to encounter vitamin and mineral deficiencies at some point in their lives.
Pediatricians recommend regular, well-balanced meals with lots of fresh, whole foods, and a daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement for children who are picky eaters; children with high activity levels; children who eat a lot of fast food and processed foods; and children who eat vegetarian, dairy-free or other restricted diets.
A multiple vitamin and mineral supplement is also recommended for children who may drink a lot of carbonated drinks, which can leach nutrients from the body.
Sandalwood Essential Oil

Product Description:
- Can be diffused to lighten and balance mood
- Moisturizes dry skin when applied in a lotion or cream
Saw Palmetto
(100 capsules)

Product Description:
Saw palmetto has been used traditionally in North American herbal medicines for over 200 years. Its primary use has been in treating disorders of the urinary tract.
Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve the urologic symptoms (e.g. weak urine flow, incomplete voiding, frequent daytime and night time urination) associated with mild to moderate benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
How It Works:
Saw palmetto is a small creeping palm native to the southeast United States where it was an important food source for Native Americans.
It has a long history of use in traditional herbal medicine and was once called the “plant catheter” due to its effect on the urinary system.
Today, it is best known for its ability to help shrink an enlarged prostate gland in men and as a mild diuretic.
Saw Palmetto Concentrate

Product Description:
Saw palmetto has been used traditionally in North American herbal medicines for over 200 years. Its primary use has been in treating disorders of the urinary tract.
Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve the urologic symptoms (e.g. weak urine flow, incomplete voiding, frequent daytime and night time urination) associated with mild to moderate benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
How It Works:
Saw palmetto is a small creeping palm native to the southeast United States where it was an important food source for Native Americans.
It has a long history of use in traditional herbal medicine and was once called the “plant catheter” due to its effect on the urinary system.
Today, it is best known for its ability to help shrink an enlarged prostate gland in men and as a mild diuretic.
SC Formula (Shark Cartilage)
(100 caps)

Product Description:
- Supports the immune system
- Support for joint health
- Responsibly harvested
How It Works:
Shark cartilage is a pure source of an important family of carbohydrates called mucopolysaccharides.
Shark cartilage also contains vital amino acids plus other important nutrients.
Silver Shield Gel
(85 mL)

Product Description:
A colloidal silver gel of 24 ppm used as an antibacterial to help treat minor skin infections.
How It Works:
Silver Shield Gel is a topical antimicrobial solution capable of reducing the length and severity of bacterial skin infection.
Silver particles are recognized as effective, virtually nontoxic, natural disinfecting antimicrobial agents.
Use Silver Shield Gel to help prevent moinor infection of minor burns and cuts and to help treat minor skin infections.
SilverGuard Mouthwash
(118 mL)

Product Description:
Helps eliminate odour-causing bacteria.
How It Works:
Nature’s SilverGuard is a solution of 18 ppm silver dissolved in purified water.
Skeletal Strength (150 tablets) NEW

Product Description:
Supports the health of the skeletal system such as the health of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums.
Magnesium and Phosphorus help the body to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Calcium intake, when combined with sufficient vitamin D, a healthy diet, and regular exercise, may reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
How It Works:
Skeletal Strength is a vitamin, mineral and herbal supplement formulated to nourish the structural system of the body. The formula contains a wide range of nutrients known to benefit the structural system, as well as the nutritive herbs horsetail, parsley and valerian.
Recent research shows that calcium operates according to a diurnal time cycle. During the day when the body is active, calcium in nerve cells is utilized for muscle contraction and nerve transmissions. When this calcium is depleted, muscle fatigue is experienced. During sleep when the body is inactive, calcium is extracted from bone tissues to replenish cellular stores, that is, unless calcium is being adequately supplied in the diet.
Researchers have shown that taking calcium supplements at night helps to balance calcium levels in the blood, reducing the risk of calcium deficiency and osteoporosis.
There is more calcium in the body than any other mineral. Almost 99 percent (two to three pounds) of all the body’s calcium is found in the bones and teeth.
Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus all work together for healthy bones and teeth. When stress is present calcium is lost, and a deficiency in magnesium may occur in highly stressed individuals.
Magnesium has been referred to as the antistress mineral.
Slippery Elm
(100 capsules)

Product Description:
- Soothes inflamed mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
- Reduces inflammation and irritation to mucous membranes
How It Works:
Slippery elm grows widely throughout North America.
The bark contains a mucilage that makes a slippery substance when combined with water. This mucilage is very soothing to the mucous membranes of the digestive and intestinal systems. Slippery elm contains up to 50% mucilage.
(100 capsules)

Product Description:
Source of iron and the essential amino acids isoleucine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.
How It Works:
Spirulina is a blue-green algae that grows in warm, alkaline fresh waters around the world and is one of the plant’s most ancient forms of plant life.
Today, it is recognized as one of the most nutritious whole superfoods on the market, due to its dense nutrient content.
St. John’s Wort
(100 capsules)

Product Description:
For relief of symptoms of depression, nervous stress and debility.
How It Works:
St. John’s Wort with Passion Flower combines two classic herbs which are used in herbal medicine to relieve symptom of depression, nervous stress and debility.
Stomach Comfort
(60 tablets)

Product Description:
Pleasant-tasting chewable tablet.
For the relief of heartburn associated with acid indigestion or stomach acid reflux.
Contains herbs that soothe mucous membranes and support normal digestive processes.
How It Works:
Stomach Comfort is an antacid formulation that provides natural ingredients to help nutritionally support digestion in times of stomach discomfort.
STR-C (30 capsules)

Product Description:
- Combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine ingredients
- Excess conditions in TCM
How It Works:
Nature’s Sunshine’s Chinese herbal combinations are based on 5000 years of Chinese herbal tradition.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which includes the use of herbal medicine, continues to provide primary healthcare throughout Asia even in these modern times.
STR-J (100 capsules)

Product Description:
Traditionally used in herbal medicine as a sleep aid in cases of restlessness or insomnia due to mental stress. Helps prevent migraine headaches.
May help prevent migraine headaches.
How It Works:
STR-J is an all-herbal traditional stress formula containing two classic, and best known, stress/tranquilizing herbs: chamomile and passion flower.
These have been combined with other supportive herbals in this formula designed for relief in times of mental stress and insomnia.
Stress Formula

Product Description:
Vitamin B complex and vitamin C supplement.
How It Works:
In times of stress, the body uses more of certain nutrients, especially the B-complex family and vitamin C.
Because these nutrients are water-soluble, they are easily eliminated and must be replenished on a regular basis.
Sunshine Heroes Bifidophilus
(90 chewable tablets)

Product Description:
- Provides millions of probiotics that contributes to a natural healthy gut flora
- Provides live microorganisms to benefit health and/or to confer a health benefit
How It Works:
Nature’s Sunshine Heroes products have been designed especially for children.
Sunshine Heroes Bifidophilus provides children with the friendly bacteria essential for intestinal health.
Sunshine Heroes Multiple Vitamins plus Iron
(100 chewable tablets)

Product Description:
- Multi-vitamin/mineral supplement
- A factor in the maintenance of good health
- Provides 12 essential vitamins, an important mineral, herbs and antioxidants
How It Works:
Nature’s Sunshine Heroes products have been designed especially for children.
Getting your kids to eat their veggies might be a struggle, but you’ll never have to beg them to take their Multiple Vitamins plus Iron.
Not only do they taste good, but they contain vitamins plus iron that children need to grow strong, healthy bones. Most authorities would agree that children eating the typical Western diet are likely to encounter vitamin and mineral deficiencies at some point in their lives.
Pediatricians recommend regular, well-balanced meals with lots of fresh, whole foods, and a daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement for children who are picky eaters; children with high activity levels; children who eat a lot of fast food and processed foods; and children who eat vegetarian, dairy-free or other restricted diets.
A multiple vitamin and mineral supplement is also recommended for children who may drink a lot of carbonated drinks, which can leach nutrients from the body.
Sunshine Heroes Vitamin C with Elderberry
(60 chewable tablets)

Product Description:
A factor in the maintenance of good health.
Helps the body to metabolize fats and proteins and also helps in the development and maintenance of bones, cartilage, teeth and gums.
Helps in connective tissue formation and in wound healing.
How It Works:
Nature’s Sunshine Heroes products have been designed especially for children. For optimal health, children need a balanced and healthy diet that provides essential nutrients to support physical and cognitive development.
Sunshine Heroes Vitamin C provides 60 mg of vitamin C in a non-medicinal base of elderberry extract.
Super Oil
(90 soft gel capsules)

Product Description:
- Source of essential fatty acids for the maintenance of good health
How It Works:
Super Oil combines essential fatty acids (EFAs) from three sources:flaxseed, fish oils, and evening primrose to create a broad spectrum EFA dietary supplement.
Super Omega-3
(60 soft gel capsules)

Product Description:
- A source of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA for the maintenance of good health
- Helps support cognitive health and brain function
- Helps support the development of the brain, eyes and nerves in children and adolescents
- Helps maintain/support cardiovascular health and helps to reduce serum triglycerides/triacylglycerols in adults/adolescents (older than 14 years of age)
How It Works:
Super Omega 3 is an excellent marine source of essential fatty acids (EFAs).
Each softgels contain more than 1,000 mg of fish oil per capsule, with a ratio of 33:16 EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) to DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
It also contains lemon to significantly reduce fishy aftertaste. The body requires EFAs for proper brian and cell membrane maintenance, nerve development and health, mood, inflammation control, and hormonal balance. These fatty acids are called ‘essential’ because they are necessary for health, and they cannot be produced within the human body but must supplied from the diet.
Super Vitamins & Minerals
(120 tablets)

Product Description:
A comprehensive, multi vitamin/mineral supplement that provides broad-spectrum nutritional support for the maintenance of good health.
Formulated in a base of herbs, vegetables and phytonutrients.
How It Works:
Super Vitamins & Minerals is a comprehensive supplement providing 23 important vitamins and minerals in a base of herbs, vegetables and phytonutrients.
Super Vitamins & Minerals
(120 tablets)

Product Description:
A comprehensive, multi vitamin/mineral supplement that provides broad-spectrum nutritional support for the maintenance of good health.
Formulated in a base of herbs, vegetables and phytonutrients.
How It Works:
Super Vitamins & Minerals is a comprehensive supplement providing 23 important vitamins and minerals in a base of herbs, vegetables and phytonutrients.
SynerPro Super Vitamins & Minerals
(60 tablets)

Product Description:
- Provides 100% of the Daily Value for 17 essential vitamins and minerals per day
- Also provides varying amounts of six other vitamins and minerals
- Offers added nutrients from a cruciferous vegetable and antioxidant base
How It Works:
Vitamins and minerals play a key role in growth and development, physical fitness, mental aptitude and in supporting the body’s system.
Tea Tree Oil (14 mL)

Product Description:
Antimicrobial oil to treat minor skin infections and irritations.
How It Works:
Tea Tree Oil acts as a natural antimicrobial to prevent infection and promote healing.
Since Tea Tree Oil is so versatile, it has fast become a natural first aid remedy for minor skin infections and irritations.
Tei Fu Massage Lotion (118 mL)

Product Description:
Temporarily relieves aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with simple backache, lumbago, strains, sprains and arthritis.
How It Works:
Tei-Fu Recovery Massage Lotion contains a special blend of essential oils claimed to be a Chinese family secret dating back over 1,000 years.
Tei-Fu Recovery Massage Lotion is designed to penetrate the skin deeply, without staining clothing or leaving behind a greasy residue.
Tei-Fu Recovery Massage Lotion contains camphor, eucalyptus oil and menthol which are known for their stimulating scents and healing properties.
Tei Fu Oil (5 mL)

Product Description:
Temporarily relieves aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with simple backache, lumbago, strains, sprains and arthritis.
How It Works:
Tei-Fu Oil contains a special blend of essential oils claimed to be a Chinese family secret dating back over 1,000 years.
Tei-Fu Oil contains camphor, menthol, and wintergreen — known for their stimulating scents — in a base of safflower.
The Complete Comprehensive Guide to Nature’s Sunshine Products

Product Description:
The Comprehensive Guide to Nature’s Sunshine Products is an essential tool for maximizing the benefits of Nature’s Sunshine Products complete line of high quality herbs and nutritional supplements.
(100 capsules)

Product Description:
- A herbal formula of three traditionally nutritive plants: kelp, dandelion and alfalfa
- For the maintenance of good health
- Kelp is a natural source of iodine to support the function of the thyroid gland
How It Works:
Three contains two species of kelp, dandelion and alfalfa.
This all-plant formula is designed to provide whole plant-based nutrition for the maintenance of good health and provides a dietary source of iodine to help support the function of the thyroid gland.
Thyroid Support
(60 caps)

Product Description:
- Supports the thyroid
- Promotes healthy metabolism
How it works:
Don’t settle for feeling tired and stressed. Nourish your body with Thyroid Support.
This targeted blend supports thyroid health and function and helps regulate its natural processes.
That includes a healthy metabolism. Thyroid Support provides amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, glandular extracts and phytonutrients.
This all-plant formula is designed to provide whole plant-based nutrition for the maintenance of good health and provides a dietary source of iodine to help support the function of the thyroid gland.
Tiao He Pak
(30 packets –
180 capsules)

Product Description:
A digestive system tonic to help stimulate cleansing of the large intestine.
Helps relieve digestive disturbances/dyspepsia, prevent nausea, increase bile flow and as a digestive tonic and bitter to help stimulate appetite and aid digestion.
Used in herbal medicine for the short-term relief of occasional constipation and to promote bowel movement by direct action on the large intestine.
Black Walnut is traditionally used in herbal medicine as a vermifuge to help remove intestinal parasites.
How It Works:
Tiao He Pak is designed to support the cleansing mechanisms of the body by targeting the digestive system and large intestine.
Traditional cleansing herbs help rid the body of impurities and accumulated buildup through the intestinal system. Cleansing is an important first step on the road back to health and a well established concept in the tradition of herbal medicine. Completing a comprehensive herbal cleanse, according to traditional herbal medicine, leaves one feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.
Tiao He is a Chinese phrase denoting the restoration of harmony and balance.
The Tiao He cleanse is a 10-day program that gently works on the intestinal system to stimulate the elimination of intestinal buildup and promotes proper functioning of the bowel.
Each packet contains 1 LIV-C capsule, 1 Body Detox capsule, 1 LBS II capsule, 1 Psyllium Hulls capsule, 1 Red Clover capsule and 1 Black Walnut Hulls capsule.
Trace Mineral Maintenance
(180 Tab)

Product Description:
- Bentonite Formula
- Naturally-Occurring Trace Minerals
- Mineral Activate Enzymes
How It Works:
Trace Mineral Maintenance contains a bentonite formula which provides a naturally-occurring source of trace minerals.
Trace minerals replace the minerals commonly found deficient in today’s diet. Minerals are essential for numerous enzymatic reactions in the body.
Turmeric Curcumin
(60 VCaps)

Product Description:
- Provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health
- Used in Herbal Medicine to help relieve joint inflammation
- Traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine as an antiparasitic and to improve digestion
- 550 mg of curcumin combined with black pepper extract for enhanced bioavailability
How It Works:
Nature’s Sunshine’s Turmeric Curcumin VegCap contains 550 mg of turmeric root extract curcumin.
Turmeric contains curcuminoids, the major active constituents of the root which gives turmeric its intense yellow pigment, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Due to the poor bioavailability of curcuminoids, Turmeric Curcumin also contains black pepper extract piper nigrumto enhance the bioavailability and absorption of curcumin.