Behrooz Tahririha, DNM, NHP, Clinical Herbalist
Behrooz Tahririha is born into a Persian Herbalist family that dates back up to five generations.
After he learned Persian Humoral Therapy from his folks he moved to South East Asia, the Philippines and Hong Kong, where he studied Science at University and Chinese Medicine from Buddhist monks in 1977.
He has studied many aspects of natural healing arts from renowned Dr. Bernard Jensen D.C. and Mrs. June Cobb from UK, and Mrs. Marilyn Buan (TFH), and Dr. D.A. Versendaal D.C. and Dr. Vernon Garett D.C. and TBM (Total Body Modification) with renowned Dr. Victor Frank.
He has studied Western Herbology with several Herb Masters like Steven Horne, DNM, the past President of American Guild of Herbalists of the United States.
He has written numerous articles on natural health and given workshops on natural medicine in Canada and overseas.
He practices his natural medicine at the Family Herbal Clinic since 1992.
As a presenter and practitioner of natural health therapies, he is delighted and honored to share his knowledge with all those who seek it.
Behrooz Tahririha
DNM, NHP, Clinical Herbalist
Doctorate of Natural Medicine
Bachelor of Science
Iridologist & Clinical Nutritionist
Contact Reflex Analyst
Touch For Health Practitioner
Synergy Practitioner
Chinese Constitutional Therapist
Persian Humoral Therapist
Total Body Modification
Behrooz Tahririha
DNM, NHP, Clinical Herbalist